2-Walk-Regular Dihedrants from Group-Divisible Designs

  • Zhi Qiao
  • Shao Fei Du
  • Jack H Koolen
Keywords: 2-walk-regular graphs, Distance-regular graphs, Association schemes, Group divisible designs with the dual property, Relative cyclic difference sets, 2-arc-transitive dihedrants


In this note, we construct bipartite $2$-walk-regular graphs with exactly 6 distinct eigenvalues as the point-block incidence graphs of group divisible designs with the dual property. For many of them, we show that they are 2-arc-transitive dihedrants. We note that some of these graphs are not described in Du et al. (2008), in which they classified the connected 2-arc transitive dihedrants. 

Author Biographies

Zhi Qiao, University of Science and Technology of China
School of Mathematical Sciences
Shao Fei Du, Capital Normal University
Deaprtment of Mathematics
Jack H Koolen, University of Science and Technology of China
School of Mathematical Sciences and 

Wen-Tsun Wu Key Laboratory of Mathematics of CAS

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