On $k$-Ordered Bipartite Graphs

  • Jill R. Faudree
  • Ronald J. Gould
  • Florian Pfender
  • Allison Wolf


In 1997, Ng and Schultz introduced the idea of cycle orderability. For a positive integer $k$, a graph $G$ is k-ordered if for every ordered sequence of $k$ vertices, there is a cycle that encounters the vertices of the sequence in the given order. If the cycle is also a hamiltonian cycle, then $G$ is said to be k-ordered hamiltonian. We give minimum degree conditions and sum of degree conditions for nonadjacent vertices that imply a balanced bipartite graph to be $k$-ordered hamiltonian. For example, let $G$ be a balanced bipartite graph on $2n$ vertices, $n$ sufficiently large. We show that for any positive integer $k$, if the minimum degree of $G$ is at least $(2n+k-1)/4$, then $G$ is $k$-ordered hamiltonian.

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