On the Uniform Generation of Modular Diagrams

  • Fenix W.D. Huang
  • Christian M. Reidys


In this paper we present an algorithm that generates $k$-noncrossing, $\sigma$-modular diagrams with uniform probability. A diagram is a labeled graph of degree $\le 1$ over $n$ vertices drawn in a horizontal line with arcs $(i,j)$ in the upper half-plane. A $k$-crossing in a diagram is a set of $k$ distinct arcs $(i_1, j_1), (i_2, j_2),\ldots,(i_k, j_k)$ with the property $i_1 < i_2 < \ldots < i_k < j_1 < j_2 < \ldots < j_k$. A diagram without any $k$-crossings is called a $k$-noncrossing diagram and a stack of length $\sigma$ is a maximal sequence $((i,j),(i+1,j-1),\dots,(i+(\sigma-1),j-(\sigma-1)))$. A diagram is $\sigma$-modular if any arc is contained in a stack of length at least $\sigma$. Our algorithm generates after $O(n^k)$ preprocessing time, $k$-noncrossing, $\sigma$-modular diagrams in $O(n)$ time and space complexity.

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