Resolving Sets and Semi-Resolving Sets in Finite Projective Planes

  • Tamás Héger
  • Marcella Takáts
Keywords: resolving set, semi-resolving set, metric dimension, finite projective planes, Szőnyi-Weiner Lemma


In a graph $\Gamma=(V,E)$ a vertex $v$ is resolved by a vertex-set $S=\{v_1,\ldots,v_n\}$ if its (ordered) distance list with respect to $S$, $(d(v,v_1),\ldots,d(v,v_n))$, is unique. A set $A\subset V$ is resolved by $S$ if all its elements are resolved by $S$. $S$ is a resolving set in $\Gamma$ if it resolves $V$. The metric dimension of $\Gamma$ is the size of the smallest resolving set in it. In a bipartite graph a semi-resolving set is a set of vertices in one of the vertex classes that resolves the other class.

We show that the metric dimension of the incidence graph of a finite projective plane of order $q\geq 23$ is $4q-4$, and describe all resolving sets of that size. Let $\tau_2$ denote the size of the smallest double blocking set in PG$(2,q)$, the Desarguesian projective plane of order $q$. We prove that for a semi-resolving set $S$ in the incidence graph of PG$(2,q)$, $|S|\geq \min \{2q+q/4-3, \tau_2-2\}$ holds. In particular, if $q\geq9$ is a square, then the smallest semi-resolving set in PG$(2,q)$ has size $2q+2\sqrt{q}$. As a corollary, we get that a blocking semioval in PG$(2, q)$, $q\geq 4$, has at least $9q/4-3$ points.

 A corrigendum was added to this paper on March 3, 2017.

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