Some Remarks on the Joint Distribution of Descents and Inverse Descents
Permutations, descents, inverse descents, Eulerian polynomials
We study the joint distribution of descents and inverse descents over the set of permutations of $n$ letters. Gessel conjectured that the two-variable generating function of this distribution can be expanded in a given basis with nonnegative integer coefficients. We investigate the action of the Eulerian operators that give the recurrence for these generating functions. As a result we devise a recurrence for the coefficients in question but are unable to settle the conjecture.We examine generalizations of the conjecture and obtain a type $B$ analog of the recurrence satisfied by the two-variable generating function. We also exhibit some connections to cyclic descents and cyclic inverse descents. Finally, we propose a combinatorial model for the joint distribution of descents and inverse descents in terms of statistics on inversion sequences.