Non-Classical Hyperplanes of $DW(5,q)$

  • Bart De Bruyn


The hyperplanes of the symplectic dual polar space $DW(5,q)$ arising from embedding, the so-called classical hyperplanes of $DW(5,q)$, have been determined earlier in the literature. In the present paper, we classify non-classical hyperplanes of $DW(5,q)$. If $q$ is even, then we prove that every such hyperplane is the extension of a non-classical ovoid of a quad of $DW(5,q)$. If $q$ is odd, then we prove that every non-classical ovoid of $DW(5,q)$ is either a semi-singular hyperplane or the extension of a non-classical ovoid of a quad of $DW(5,q)$. If $DW(5,q)$, $q$ odd, has a semi-singular hyperplane, then $q$ is not a prime number.
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