Cyclic Sieving, Necklaces, and Branching Rules Related to Thrall's Problem
Cyclic sieving, Necklaces, Branching rules, Thrall's problem, Wreath products, Plethysm, Major index
We show that the cyclic sieving phenomenon of Reiner-Stanton-White together with necklace generating functions arising from work of Klyachko offer a remarkably unified, direct, and largely bijective approach to a series of results due to Kraśkiewicz-Weyman, Stembridge, and Schocker related to the so-called higher Lie modules and branching rules for inclusions $ C_a \wr S_b \hookrightarrow S_{ab} $. Extending the approach gives monomial expansions for certain graded Frobenius series arising from a generalization of Thrall's problem.