On the Twelve-Point Theorem for $\ell$-Reflexive Polygons

  • Dimitrios I. Dais
Keywords: Reflexive polygons, Toric Surfaces


It is known that, adding the number of lattice points lying on the boundary of a reflexive polygon and the number of lattice points lying on the boundary of its polar, always yields 12. Generalising appropriately the notion of reflexivity, one shows that this remains true for $\ell$-reflexive polygons. In particular, there exist (for this reason) infinitely many (lattice inequivalent) lattice polygons with the same property. The first proof of this fact is due to Kasprzyk and Nill. The present paper contains a second proof (which uses tools only from toric geometry) as well as the description of complementary properties of these polygons and of the invariants of the corresponding toric log del Pezzo surfaces.
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