The Maximum Number of Cycles in a Graph with Fixed Number of Edges

  • Andrii Arman
  • Sergei Tsaturian


The main problem considered in this paper is maximizing the number of cycles in a graph with given number of edges. In 2009, Király conjectured that there is constant $c$ such that any graph with $m$ edges has at most $c(1.4)^m$ cycles. In this paper, it is shown that for sufficiently large $m$, a graph with $m$ edges has at most $(1.443)^m$ cycles. For sufficiently large $m$, examples of a graph with $m$ edges and $(1.37)^m$ cycles are presented. For a graph with given number of vertices and edges an upper bound on the maximal number of cycles is given. Also, bounds tight up to a constant are presented for the maximum number of cycles in a multigraph with given number of edges, as well as in a multigraph with given number of vertices and edges.

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