A Generalization of Partition Identities for First Differences of Partitions of $n$ Into at Most $m$ Parts

  • Acadia Larsen


We show for a prime power number of parts $m$ that the first differences of partitions into at most $m$ parts can be expressed as a non-negative linear combination of partitions into at most $m-1$ parts. To show this relationship, we combine a quasipolynomial construction of $p(n,m)$ with a new partition identity for a finite number of parts. We prove these results by providing combinatorial interpretations of the quasipolynomial of $p(n,m)$ and the new partition identity.  We extend these results by establishing conditions for when partitions of $n$ with parts coming from a finite set $A$ can be expressed as a non-negative linear combination of partitions with parts coming from a finite set $B$.

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