Small Sets in Union-Closed Families

  • David Ellis
  • Maria-Romina Ivan
  • Imre Leader


Our aim in this note is to show that, for any $\epsilon>0$, there exists a union-closed family $\mathcal F$ with (unique) smallest set $S$ such that no element of $S$ belongs to more than a fraction $\epsilon$ of the sets in $\mathcal F$. More precisely, we give an example of a union-closed family with smallest set of size $k$ such that no element of this set belongs to more than a fraction $(1+o(1))\frac{\log_2 k}{2k}$ of the sets in $\mathcal F$.

We also give explicit examples of union-closed families containing 'small' sets for which we have been unable to verify the Union-Closed Conjecture.

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