On the Maximum $F_5$-Free Subhypergraphs of a Random Hypergraph

  • Igor Araujo
  • József Balogh
  • Haoran Luo


Denote by $F_5$ the $3$-uniform hypergraph on vertex set $\{1,2,3,4,5\}$ with hyperedges $\{123,124,345\}$. Balogh, Butterfield, Hu, and Lenz proved that if $p > K \log n /n$ for some large constant $K$, then every maximum $F_5$-free subhypergraph of $G^3(n,p)$ is tripartite with high probability, and showed that if $p_0 = 0.1\sqrt{\log n} /n$, then with high probability there exists a maximum $F_5$-free subhypergraph of $G^3(n,p_0)$ that is not tripartite. In this paper, we sharpen the upper bound to be best possible up to a constant factor. We prove that if $p > C \sqrt{\log n} /n $ for some large constant $C$, then every maximum $F_5$-free subhypergraph of $G^3(n, p)$ is tripartite with high probability.

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