Characteristic Polynomials of Skew-Adjacency Matrices of Oriented Graphs

  • Yaoping Hou
  • Tiangang Lei


An oriented graph $\overleftarrow{G}$ is a simple undirected graph $G$ with an orientation, which assigns to each edge a direction so that $\overleftarrow{G}$ becomes a directed graph. $G$ is called the underlying graph of $\overleftarrow{G}$ and we denote by $S(\overleftarrow{G})$ the skew-adjacency matrix of $\overleftarrow{G}$ and its spectrum $Sp(\overleftarrow{G})$ is called the skew-spectrum of $\overleftarrow{G}$. In this paper, the coefficients of the characteristic polynomial of the skew-adjacency matrix $S(\overleftarrow{G}) $ are given in terms of $\overleftarrow{G}$ and as its applications, new combinatorial proofs of known results are obtained and new families of oriented bipartite graphs $\overleftarrow{G}$ with $Sp(\overleftarrow{G})={\bf i} Sp(G) $ are given.

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